Tianchang has a convenient network of transportation. 205 national highway——Ninglian speedway and the abuilding Ninghuai speedway run through the city. The downtown area is 51 kilometers from Yangzhou, 75 kilometers from Nanjing, and a mere 3 hours' ride to Shanghai; based on a framework of the main stems and a net of the laterals, a highway network has already formed, and as a result transportation between villages and towns never stops no matter how the weather is. There are seven freshwater channels within Tianchang, and it is convenient to get through Gaoyou Lake to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Yangtze water system, Huai water system and different important ports.
Tianchang is abundant in electricity. The city now has one 220KV transformer station, three 110KV transformer stations, and some other 35KV ones that exist in many of the villages and towns. The annual capacity of power supply comes to 1.2 billion KV/h, ensuring the electrical needs of industry, agriculture and residents.
Communication is convenient in Tianchang. International or domestic program control phone calls are directly available, and long-distance transmission is possible by using optical cables. Telephone has reached every village, and mobile communication has covered all the area in the city. Up until the end of 2005, there are 110,000 mobile phones in use in Tianchang, 130,000 telephones in use, 18,000 PAS in use, 8,000 broad bands in use. The diffusion rate of telephone ranks among the top in Anhui Province.
Tianchang abounds in underground water resources, the quality of which is generally good. There is an integrated system of water supply, and the daily capacity of water supply is beyond 60,000 tons. The quality of water measures up GB5794-85 Standard for Living Water Use, meeting the demands of both manufacturing and living.
Citizens in Tianchang enjoy a colorful pastime. Broadcast television covers the entire city. The city is well equipped with cultural building, library, museum, theatre, cinema, swimming pool and other establishments, which serve for sightseeing or entertainment.
Medical treatment in Tianchang is of high level. There are more than 40 hospitals and clinics in Tianchang, with a well-trained medical care group. People's Hospital and Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital are both “Second Grade” hospitals, while Tianchang Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital appears among “Hundred Demonstrating Traditional Chinese Medical Hospitals”.